079 3922 4397 cookwithdella@gmail.com

Cookery Courses

Fun, engaging and educational cookery courses for children in the Nottingham area!
All ingredients are provided, so it’s easy for you too. All they need is an apron, tea-towel and a container.

Heymann Primary School


Waddington Dr, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7GX.

Course Details

All classes are now mixed year groups, year 3,4,5 and 6.

  • Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
  • Classes start end of school and finish at 5.30pm.
  • Each class costs £10.00 per week (payable half termly in advance).

Call for more details. There are still places available for this course.

Greythorn Primary School


162 Greythorn Dr, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7GH.

Course Details

  • Thursdays.
  • Classes start end of school and finish at 5.30pm.
  • Each class costs £10.00 per week (payable half termly in advance).

Call for more details. There are still places available for this course.

Open Class (Cook with Della at home)

Course Details

  • Duke of Edinburgh classes.
  • 12 week skills course.
  • Call for more details 07939224397.

Terms & Conditions Form

Please make sure to download Cook with Della’s T&C’s form below. All classes require completion of this form. The form should be printed and filled in before being returned to Della.

Nottingham University & Nottingham Trent University

Della is now taking on lessons for students at Nottingham university and Trent university available on request. Call for more details.

Cook with Della Cookery Parties

Starting from just £12.50 a head and all ingredients provided, Della caters birthday parties with cooking fun, cookery games amd great recipes for all to enjoy.

P.S. Do You Have A Favourite Recipe?

We’re always up for suggestions! Share your favourite recipe with Della and it may be on our next course for all to share with your name on it. You could even demonstrate it to the class. Send your recipe to d4moore@ntlworld.com with your name and contact number.

Would You Like A Cookery Club At Your School?

Having a cookery club is a great way to bring learning and creativity to your school. Della has taught food education and cookery to children for the past 10 years, sharing her knowledge and passion to others. If you’re interested in starting a cookery club at your school please feel free to get in touch!